Tag: planning

Building Connections After a Conference

1. Debrief with another writer after the conference. Sometimes you may feel like you’re drinking from a fire hose attending one workshop after another during an intensive conference.   One way to address this problem is to debrief with another writer after the conference. I am thankful for a good friend, who suggested that we meet after my first writers’ conference. Although we didn’t have time during the live conference to meet, calling each other afterwards was very valuable. My friend was a longstanding member, and when she shared her past conference experiences with me, that helped me immensely as a…

A Tip for Finishing Your Manuscript

Sometimes I get an idea for a story, but it does not get fully developed. Perfectionism often can lead to procrastination and unfinished manuscripts. Focusing on a perfect first draft is futile. Instead, I find the right words come after revising my initial draft many times.  What can I do to persevere in revisions or take the first step to get my whole story written down?  My tip is to enter a writing contest. Many contests are free to enter and cover multiple genres. When I know these deadlines are fixed with no exception, that by the stroke of midnight…